Pi Pi Pi/Wait for him to walk over to you

From Create Your Own Story

You see your date approaching the Pi Pi Pi house, and you stay seated on the steps waiting for him. He walks up to you and looks like he's about to speak.

He hesitates for a second, and you realize that he's staring at your crotch. You were so worried about your tits being visible through the dress that you'd forgotten how short your dress is and how it had been riding up. You are sure that he has a clear view of your bare pussy. Finally, he speaks: "Hi. Um, I never told you my name. I'm Edgar."

You feel yourself blushing, thinking about Edgar seeing your pussy. "Hi, Edgar. I'm Sonia. It's nice to meet you," you respond as you stand up.

Edgar takes you to a nice restaurant. You feel like the two of you are really hitting it off, and you are starting to like him. Halfway through dinner, he says:

"I can't believe I am sitting here having dinner with a gorgeous Pi Pi Pi girl!"

How to you respond:

Pi Pi Pi No Clothing

Lace dress

Rules None
Fucks 0
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