Parks: Strength in numbers

From Create Your Own Story

You dismiss the ranting of Patient C. You have a purpose and tat purpose cannot accommodate collaboration. You walk to the screen you’ve connected to the university video surveillance system to see who is knocking at the door.

What looks like a family of four people are standing in the UV lights that protect the entrance. Two adults and two teenagers, the young boy is carrying what looks like a sabre, an old cavalry sabre; It’s covered in dry blood, they all seem exhausted.

In the shadows behind them you spot three figures lurking at the limit of the UV radius. A good occasion to test the second security system you installed at the doors.

You flip a switch and an extremely potent UV projector floods the opposing wall. Three vampires burst in flames. You unlock the door. The family rushes into the reception hall. You leave you screens and your security toys and go greet the newcomers.

Mr and Mrs Stobbs are nearly catatonic; Kaylee Stobbs shows symptoms of heavy anemia due to severe bloodloss.

Phillip, or Toad as he wants to be called, seems to be the reason of how they made it so far. He’s driven by a will the likes of which you’ve never met.

He explains that they were attacked last night at their home but that he managed to get everyone out.

They were five original but his little sister Kayleen, Kaylee’s twin sister had been taken by one of the monsters in a student dorm a few blocks away from your lab. The place seemed at first a good place to hide for the night but soon before sunset, he stumbled upon a huge nest of creatures hiding in one the basements. They had to flee and that’s when his sister was taken.

“Will you help me doc?” he finally asks.

“Help you with what?”

“To get my sister back”

Will you?

In those challenging times humans have to stick together.

You have more fundamental things to do right now

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