PMS/Hide in the bushes and watch the tentacruel rape the boy

From Create Your Own Story

You stand behind a wild rhododendron bush and watch as the tentacruel pulls the boys legs apart with its eighty strong tentacles. The boy screams, his eyes huge as he stares at the jellyfish pokemon, where a large, fleshy appendage has emerged from the gelatinous body.

"No! No, please! Somebody help me!" the boy screams, his legs kicking, his hands clawing at the muddy riverbank. Your cock is hard again, tenting the front of your pants, precum leaking from the tip and making a wet spot on the material. Beside you, Dinky chirps and you quickly shush him. He leans in and nuzzles your crotch, apparently attracted to the smell.

In the river, the boy writhes, sobbing as the tentacruel invades his body with one slender tentacle, sliding it deep into his ass. After a minute, the tentacruel pulls out, leaving a trail of slime on the boy's skin. It drags the boy deeper into the water, lining up its rubbery cock with his puckered asshole.

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