Order a hot chocolate and sip it while your face recovers from being punched

From Create Your Own Story

You order a hot chocolate, and the bartender gives you a small bag of ice to put on your cheek.

You slowly sip your hot drink while icing your face, and about 20 minutes later, you're starting to feel like your normal self again. A shadow moves to your left. You turn your head and see an extremely voluptuous young woman settle on the stool next to you. She's dressed in a low-cut shirt, no bra, and very tight-fitting shorts.

"I'm Karey," she husks. Her long, flowing red hair frames her face. "What happened?"

"Ty," you mumble. "I bought an angry woman a drink and she decided to have her fist meet my face."

"That wasn't very nice of her," Karey murmurs. "I'm a nurse. Let me take you home and fix you up." Her voice is low and seductive, almost a whisper. Her arm wraps around you and her hand softly caresses the uninjured side of your face.

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