Open the envelope marked SHARON

From Create Your Own Story

Carefully, you remove the manila envelope and are pleased that the glue is so old it opens under your fingers. Inside you find a packet of pages, on top is an old leather, weathered, and creased. You read the letter:

Dear Abrahmsons:

I know it is terrible of me to ask this, but I cannot take care of my daughter, Sharon. I’ve watched you, and seen how lonely you are without a child. I believe you would take good care of my daughter and give her a warm, loving home. Please know she is a special child and that I love her and miss her much.

Thank you!

HeaThIr * LILtle

PS, Please give this to my daughter on her 15th birthday.

You read through the letter several more times, with a wicked smile on your face. Then you see the asterisk glow softly around the edges. Looking more closely, you realize that the larger initials at the bottom are removed from the smaller ones, and spelled backwards, it’s Lilith, bringer of disease, illness and death! It is as you always suspected: you are a daughter of the Lady of Chaos. Any emotional tie that you had with your bitch mother melts away with this revelation, and the fact that your mother never showed you the letter as your mother instructed.

The rest of the papers are just adoption forms and your birth certificate. It’s clear that you were meant to be in this house, and to corrupt this family.

As you read the letter one more time, you realize that the asterisk still glows softly, calling out for you to touch it.

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