Ongoing Story/See who's in the other cell

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 18: The Girl Nextdoor

The door to the cell next to yours is made from powerful oak, but after trying several of Kala's keys you finally find the right one. The lock clicks open. In the torchlight you see an inhumanly beautiful being. She looks like a thirteen years old human girl, but her hair is not only blonde but actually golden, glistening in the torchlight, and she has a pair of lovely, white-feathered wings on her back. Her body is perfect beyond what you thought possible, and the beauty of her face can only be described as divine. Never in your life have you seen anyone or anything so beautiful. Her blue eyes are like deep pools of water, and you can feel yourself drowning in them.

The girl - or whatever she is - is manacled and chained to the walls of the cell. She's completely nude, except for an iron chastity belt locked on to her body. But even in these conditions, she manages to look good. Her body is clean, untouched by the grime of the cell, and her wings are barely ruffled. A very faint golden light emanates from her. She looks upon you with eyes filled with sadness.

"Who... who are you?" you ask, almost stunned by her unearthly beauty.

She gives you a small smile, the likes of which you have never seen before. You feel like you could give the world to see it again. "My name is Li'a." she says. "Please leave. There's nothing you can do for me."

"But... I want to help you. Why are you here?"

Her eyes meet yours, and you realize you could be happy spending an eternity looking into them.

"I can see you are truthful, and that you will not leave without an explanation. I will tell you", Li'a says. "I am a messenger and servant of the Goddess of Love and Light. You would call me an angel. I have been captured and enslaved by duke Korol's evil sorcerer, Luhrash. He seeks to rob me of my powers, to use them for hate and darkness instead of love and light."

"You... you are beautiful. Please tell me how to help you."

"I don't think you can. Our race, that you call angels, are beings of love and lust. We grow into our powers slowly. I am not yet an adult, as you can tell from my body. Had I reached my full power, I could never have been enslaved. But I was young, and foolish. One day I left the safe palace of the Goddess, curious of the world beyond. I met beautiful man, and true to my nature, I made love to him. But immediately before I climaxed, he revealed his true self. He was the sorcerer Luhrash, and as my body writhed with unfulfilled desires, he bound me with ensorcelled manacles and brought me to this plane of existence. He has stolen almost all my powers, but my innermost essence, the core of my magic, cannot be stolen, only given away freely. Therefore he imprisoned me here, and locked me in this." She points to the chastity belt, and you can see it's inscribed with runes. "It prevents me from being pleasured, and because I am a being of lust and love, the unrelieved tension builds inside me, slowly driving me insane. In a few days or weeks I will beg Luhrash for any pleasure, anything. I will even give up my innermost essence to him if he promises to give me release. Then he will have all my powers, forever. I know this, but there is nothing I can do to stop it."

"So, what you're saying is that you're really horny?" you say.

She laughs out, and her laughter is like bells tinkling, or like a shower of rose petals in a storm. "Yes. It is growing beyond anything your mind can comprehend. I will soon be ready to sell my soul for an orgasm."

You're not so sure. You've had the same feeling once or twice. "But what does Luhrash want with your powers?" you ask Li'a.

"He plots in secret, seeking to overthrow Korol. Korol is a bad person, but compared to Luhrash, he is a saint. If Luhrash seizes my powers and deposes Korol, this entire duchy will be transformed to a temple to hate and darkness. All men will be sacrificed, and tortures and perversions beyond description will be inflicted on all women and girls, regardless of age. Luhrash will channel their suffering to summon rape-demons from the lower planes to violate their bodies and impregnate them. The fruits of these conceptions will be powerful and monstrous. They will amuse themselves on the remaining females until there are none left, and then seek to conquer the world. This duchy, this country, maybe all the world will be transformed into a hell. I cannot escape Luhrash. He wields almost all my power, and could find me anywhere in the world."

'Oh, Gods', you think to yourself. 'This is terrible.'

What do you do now?

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