Ongoing Story/Not so fast. We need to show our appreciation to the centaur first

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 20: The Centaur's Name Is "HER-LICK", You Must Be Dreaming

"Now, now Ilsa. We must show this kindly gentleman.. er.. centaur I mean, that we appreciate his risking his life to rescue us. I'm sorry, I've forgotten my manners. Your name is..?"

"Herlic. My name is Herlic." the centaur deadpans.

HER LICK? Did he just say 'Her-Lick'? You start to feel all gooey inside.

"Well Herlic, my name is Kayla and this is my friend Ilsa. You said you were curious about humanoid females? What exactly do you find so fascinating about us?" You strike a pose that accentuates your impossible figure even further, giving Herlic an unobstructed view of the areas most men find 'interesting'.

"To speak plainly, I've a great deal of interest in your sexual habits. I've always been curious about 'blow jobs' for one thing. You see, centaurs are physically incapable of performing oral sex on one another. We just aren't built for it." He says sadly.

"You mean you've never had a female centaur please you with her mouth? How very sad. Maybe we could help you." Ilsa offers brazenly, surprising you with her wantonness.

"That is, if you want us to. I myself have always been curious to see if a woman could take on a horse sexually but always thought it too dangerous to try it myself. But a centaur could mount a human female and be careful not to crush her, couldn't he?" Ilsa asks Herlic hopefully.

"Ilsa is into horses? And she gives me grief about how lesbianism is perverted?" you think. Ilsa definitely has 'issues' to deal with, but in this case you're heartily in approval. You'd like to see Ilsa take on the centaur, maybe see if he'd be interested in living up to his name with you. However, eyeing his large firm testicles, each one larger than your fist, you suddenly wonder what if his semen tastes the same as a horse's. Not that you'd know what a horse's tastes like but if Herlic's was really good, you might be willing to conduct some taste tests.

What do you do now?

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