Ongoing Story/Break the embrace and say you were just talking

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 16: Busted!

You hurriedly disentangle your body from your sister's. The door bursts open. "Aha!" says your mom. "You weren't quite fast enough. Now what on earth is going on around here?"

Your face turns beet red. "Um... ah... we were just talking," you manage to stammer.

"I don't think so!" Mom roars at you. "I saw you two wrapped up in each other. Let's have the truth."

Chrissy looks like she's in shock. You look directly at your mom and say with conviction, "We were snuggling with each other. I think Chrissy is the best sister in the world and want to be with her."

"Tom!" Chrissy says. "You know it's true, sis," you say. "We were busted, fair and square." "It's true," Chrissy confirms. "We love each other, as more than just brother and sister."

Suddenly your mom's face breaks into a big smile. "Now, wasn't that easy?" she says. "There's no reason to hide it. I think it's terrific you two feel that way about each other. I know about Megan and Maddie, too. In a couple of years Britney will join the twins in their romps. There's nothing wrong with it. Your father is my brother, after all."

After you and Chrissy put your jaws back in place, you look up at Mom. "Truth?" you say. "Truth," she says. "We had him legally change his name first so the courts wouldn't catch on. So I'll leave you two to yourselves. Dinner will be ready in about 2 hours."

She leaves the room, closing the door behind her. You look at Chrissy. "I guess we're cool, then," she says. She then wraps her body around yours. "So, you want to have some fun, or are you still in a state of shock?"

What do you do now?

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