Ongoing Story/“To hell with that, how did I lose my virginity??????”

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 14: A little orienteering.

Remembering back to that day, you would never ever have expected the events to unfold the way they did. In fact, how it could have happened where it did, seems like some kind of ridiculous fantasy now. (No don’t make any snide comments)

After breakfast that morning, all campers were given a choice of activities. Orienteering wasn't really an activity you were particularly interested in, but when you saw that Blade was one of the girls in charge of it, you made a beeline towards her.

Of course even then girls were nuts over you, so most of your female friends chose to do that activity as well, seeing as that’s what you wanted to do. In the end you ended up being one of three boys to choose that activity.

It all started out fine. Blade seemed pretty happy about having you in the team and smiled at you a remarkable number of times. When you sat to rest, she would flash her gorgeous blonde pussy at you when the others weren't looking. Being a little naive though, you didn't take it as a come on. You figured that she’d probably forgotten to put on her knickers that day.

“So Tom.” She said during one stop to check maps and pinpoint the teams position. She spoke in a smooth sexy voice. The other female leader and team members were busy hovering over the map and compass to be bothered listening in. “What do you think of the bird life out here at Camp Wankalot?”

“Not really into birds.” You say a little ignorantly.

“Oh really?” She asks, “What about cats then?”

“What, the camp cat?”

“No…. What about little white pussies.”

You pause before replying

What do you do say?

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