Ongoing Story\Your older sister walks in
From Create Your Own Story
Chapter 7: Tracey saves you from a big mistake
You are quite shocked when Tracey enters the room. How she got into the house you have no idea, but here she is.
"Good God! Lisa! I wondered what you were up to over here!"
"Didn't I lock the door?" Billy quickly zips himself up in embarrassment, almost catching his dick in his fly in the process. His orgasm finally arrives and he ends up with a huge wet patch on his trousers. He stares at your sister, fear on his face. Like him, you don't like the angry scowl that is now on Tracey's face.
"God Lisa, don't tell me you were fucking this little creep?"
"No!" You say, "I wasn't! We were just.... just.... We didn't do anything!"
"You dirty little shit!" Tracey moves up to Billy and viciously slaps him across the face, "What are you trying to do with my little sister? I'll kill you, you little bastard! Trying to seduce my sister!"
"I wasn't! Honestly! We were just watching this movie and...."
"My God, what is that shit your watching? You little creep, you were trying to get her into bed weren't you?"
"No I wasn't......"
Tracey belts him across the face once again, "God Lisa, why would you want to fuck this little shit? What does he know about sex? Do you really think he can satisfy you with his little thing he calls a dick? You want a real man! Some one who can teach you someting. Not a little tosser like him! Come back home now!"
You reluctantly agree to go with your sister. Perhaps she is right. Perhaps you really do need someone experienced. Billy obviously had no idea about sex and you always wanted your first time to be special. Maybe you should give one of the senior boys at school a ring instead.
Once inside you return to your room, after another lecture from your sister. She once again tells you that you need to have someone a little more experienced than the nerd next door. You reach for the phone beside your bed. What do you do now?