Ongoing Story\Taking you to see the chief

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 12: Getting Horny

The Minotaurs grunt in agreement. They will allow you to enter the village, but inform you that you must obey all their customs while in their village. Including their tradition of not wearing clothing inside the village walls.

You agree readily to their requests and disrobe. All three Minotaurs watch with unabashed lust as you shed your garments and reveal your firm round ass and buxom perky breasts for their inspection. Both guards are openly stroking their stiffening cocks as they watch you strip. You notice that the penises of these two guards are smaller than Gorog's. They measure about the same length and girth as your arm, where Gorog's shaft was larger than your leg.

Finished disrobing, you hand your appearal to Gorog for safe keeping, and pass between the two minotaurs standing guard. With their long "spears" blocking your path, you must take a shaft in each hand and manuver them out of your way. You allow their pricks (both dripping of pre-cum) to brush up against your face as you duck underneath them, giving each cock-head a teasing kiss before releasing them. Their hard rods spring back and smack your dainty ass after you let them go, and you give a suprised girlish shriek in response. That sets all the mintuars laughing jovialy as they admire your backside as you walk away from them.

Making your way through the village you get many strange looks from some of the inhabitants, but no one obstructs you from continuing on to the chieftain's hut. It is obvious which hut belongs to the chief because it is by far the largest one in the entire village. At the door, another guard stops you, but the chief, curious to see a nude elf-maid seeking his audience, tells the guard to let you pass.

You size up the chief. He is a large and impressive male specimen. His once black fur, now salt-and-pepper in color, reveals that he is entering old age. The village will soon need a new leader, but the current chief's only surviving male heir is Ramgar. However, according to minotuar law Ramgar cannot rule until he reaches manhood, and manhood is determined by when a male takes his first mate. Something Ramgar has failed to do as no willing female has aroused his "interest".

"wHAt eLF-gRRRl wAnT HEre?" The Chief asks without preamble, his keen intelligence and cunning apearent in the gleam of his cow-like eyes as he takes in your stunning figure.

"My friend Gorog was banished unfairly from your village. I wish for him to be allowed to return home." You state your intentions clearly.

"NOt pOSSiBle. UNtil RAMgar beCUM buLL, GoROG no CUM bACk. eLF-gRRRl cANNot chANGe tHIS!" The Chief informs you sadly, but with an aire of finality.

"Not even if I were willing to make Ramgar a bull?" You inquire sceptically with a raised eyebrow. The Minotaur looks at you in shock at what you are suggesting. He's never heard of a elf-maid willingly taking on a mintaur male. Elves usually thought minotuars bestial and ugly, not to mention that the elf-maids' petite bodies were too small to accomidate a mintuar-sized cock without being ripped apart.

"MayBE I sPoKE tOO sOOn." The chief replies upon hearing your proposal. Your body is tiny, but obviously built for sex. And as Ramgar was not fully mature, his cock was still small enough to gain entry to your love tunnels. The chief is slightly envious that you offer up your body for his son's pleasure, not his. But he knows that he must provide an acceptable heir soon or the village will become divided as different males vie to seize power away from him. You have offered a solution that may have a chance of success. "iF eLF-gRRL get RAMgar tOO MAte, GoRoG CUM bACk hOMe." the chief agrees to your bargain and you smile knowingly. What male in his right mind could resist you?

The chief calls in Ramgar, and you see that you immediately have the lad's interest. Though still a boy of perhaps twelve winters, at close to 7 feet tall the youth towers over you by a foot and a half. Swinging between his legs is a fat 8 inch dong that isn't even hard yet. His huge scrotum dangles obscenely between his muscular thighs, each of his testicles swollen to the size of a small melon from pent up sperm, forcing him to walk bow legged.

"Hello Ramgar, my name is Kayla." You introduce yourself and flash him a dazzlingly sexy smile. "I know that you're in need of a female for your first mating. I was hoping you let me have that honor. That is if you don't mind fucking elf girls?" you ask using the most flirtacious body language possible. Ramgar inspects your ripe youthful form to decide if you're worthy of being the first to recieve his seed.

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