Ongoing Story\Take a shower before flying out
From Create Your Own Story
Chapter 7: Flight to Rio
It is a relief to get cleaned up after all the masturbating you had been doing. It is shortly afterwards that your parents arrive from shopping. From there, it is not long before you are at the airport bidding your family farewell. One whole year in Rio! You still can't believe it.
Your friend Johanna is there already. She looks great! Long dark hair, stylishly combed back over her shoulders. Large blue eyes that just ooze sexual appeal. Unblemished skin, not to mention a great figure, even more impressive than yours. You and she are going to knock those Brazilian boys dead!
In no time at all you are both in a plane on your way to South America! Johanna sits next to you in the window seat. Across the aisle sit two youths around your own age.
What do you do now?