Ongoing Story\Take Julie upstairs and get cleaned up

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 19: Telephone Call

"Come on, Julie! Let's get you cleaned up before mom gets home!" You tell her.

"Aww, Lisa!!! I want to stay here and watch Tracy get fucked!" She replies. You tell her to watch her mouth and instantly, you feel like the older sister that you are.

You take her by the arm and lead her out of the bathroom and leave Tracy and Rob fucking on the floor. You wave 'bye' to Tracy who simply smiles back between moans. You close the door behind you and head upstairs to the bathroom. You turn on the shower and Julie hops in. You step in behind her and start washing her back while she washes the rest of her petite body. Her body is developing nicely, but it'll be a few years before she's ready for any serious sexual conduct.

"Julie, you know that you can't tell mom about anything that happened downstairs, right?" You ask and Julie gives you an 'Uh huh'. You want to make sure that she isn't going to blab any dirty secrets. You think you can trust her, as long as you do a few things for her once in a while. She usually doesn't ask for much.

You finish washing and get out of the shower. The two of you dry yourselves off and leave the bathroom. Just as you're stepping out the door, Rob and Tracy are getting to the top of the stairs on their way to the shower. You remind them that mom will be home in a little while and tell them to make sure they're out of the shower before she gets home. Rob tells you not to worry so much and they both disappear into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind them.

You go into your bedroom and Julie heads to hers to get dressed. You don't bother putting clothes on right away. You always like to lay around naked for a little while after a shower. You turn on your radio and stretch out on your bed for a while.

Not long after you lay down, the phone rings. You pick it up before anyone else in the house can get it. Not an easy task in your house. "Hello?" you say as you put the phone to your ear. Right away, you recognize the voice, but what do they want?

What happens now?

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