Ongoing Story\Leave him to his own devices
From Create Your Own Story
Chapter 8: Ain't Karma a Bitch?
You feel bad for the poor creature. But not so bad you're willing to perform sexual acts on him.
This just isn't your problem.
(At least for now.)
You decide you better get the heck out of there before the minotuar's symptoms become any worse. He might get desperate and try and rape you again!
As you leave you hear the creature's agonizing moans as it is eaten alive from the inside out. Finally the distant howling subsides and you realize poor Gorog must be dead. Distracted by a sudden wave of guilt, you do not watch were you are going and stumble into the vines of the very plant that infcted the minotaur!
You squeal in suprise as the plant's tendrils quickly ensnare you, making escape impossible. The vines seem to have some form of rudimentary intelligence as they easily identify your weapons and clothing and strip them away from you.
Now helpless and naked, the tree forces you down on all fours and begins to have its way with you. Vines insert themselves into your genitals and anus, oozing some kind of pre-cum like sap that acts like a lubricant. Other vines wrap around your waist and squeeze your breasts, coating your entire body with the sticky slime. Satified that it has you at it's mercy, the plant begins pumping into you in earnest, fucking you silly with its multitude of appendages. Despite yourself, you start to enjoy it, even though you know it's impregnating you with the same kind of parasitic seed that killed the minotaur.
"Oh, fuck yeah!", you moan in orgasm as a thick root pentrates you deeply. As smaller tendril takes advatage of your open mouth and inserts itself between your ruby lips. You taste its semen, and you have to admit, its not that bad (kind of like maple syrup). You suck on it experimentally and you feel the entire tree shake in delighted response. More vines more toward your inviting mouth.
The Tree IS intelligent!!!!
What do you do now?