Ongoing Story\Join the harem
From Create Your Own Story
Chapter 5: Thrown Into The Briar Patch
You decide to join Duke Korol's harem.
But the duke only accepts two types of girls into that prestigious order: virgins and skilled sex slaves from exotic lands. You certainly don't qualify for the first and for the second you'd need a slave broker to provide references and sell you to the Korol. There is not a slaver in the land you'd trust to hand you over to the Duke, likely as not he'd barter you off to some Morovian spice merchants instead.
Suddenly an idea hit's you. If the rumors of the Duke's sadism are to be believed the guards will be much more used to girls trying to escape from the harem rather than sneak into it. You dress as one of the Duke's concubines (sewing a few lock picks into your golden halter) and then sneak as far a you can into the part of Duke's castle nearest the harem. Once you feel you can penetrate the fortress no further without being discovered you turn around and start making your way back out of the castle, only this time making much more noise and being less cautious. In a matter of minutes you are caught by the sentries.
"Please, I'll do anything you want. Just, please, let me escape! I can't go back to the harem! I just can't!" you plead, acting hysterical. One of the guards considers taking you up on your offer, you try and remember his face for when you really do want to escape, but the other man protests.
"Are ye mad Yurick? If we're caught the Duke will cut our balls off and hand us a knife and fork to eat 'em with. And that's if we're lucky, don't forget what happened to Cid!", the second guard reminds the first. Reluctantly Yurick agrees with his companion and they whisk you away to the harem. Such finery and opulence you've seldom seen in all your travels. More than a hundred off the fairest and most seductive looking women you've ever seen lay reclining on cushions being served by chubby eunuchs. You notice not all the women are human there are nymphs, a she-dwarf, a rare attractive looking goblin girl, several elf-maids, and some even more exotic types among the harem's population. The Duke's dildo is nowhere to be seen, but you do see a rather muscular looking eunuch eyeing you with interest. Unlike the other males castrated before puberty this one does not look the least feminine, possibly an impostor like yourself you think. You need information about the dildo so you decide to: