Ongoing Story\Decline her offer

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 15: Raped by women

“So be it!” Queen Bonke scowls, “You reject my hospitality! I will take the other girl. As for you, you can be a reward for my warriors for their good work! Take her away!”

You are dragged away to the centre of the village by the black Amazon and her companions. You suddenly begin to regret rejecting the Queen wondering just what horrible fate your captors have in store for you!

Much to your horror the Amazons proceed to tie you to a wooden structure in the middle of the village! Standing, your hands and legs are spread and tied to wooden posts on either side of you. As much as you struggle and beg for mercy, it does no good. Soon you are well secured and have no method of escape. You are vulnerable and at the total mercy of the Amazon sluts.

The black Amazon steps up to you with a bottle of olive oil and proceeds to massage it into your body with her bare hands. Two other Amazons join in and you feel their oily hands rubbing and groping your entire body as they massage the oil into you.

Your body tenses up even more as still more Amazons move in, this time, not bothering with the oil. They begin to grope your body, touching and squeezing your nipples. You feel wet tongues sliding down your oil flesh as mouths kiss and lick your body. Fingers slide up your thighs to your pussy and you gasp as one forces it’s way in.

More fingers probe your most intimate areas. Every Amazon warrior is determined to explore your every orifice. Fingers probe within your pussy, in fact many fingers at the same time as woman push their way forward to get to you. One attempts to French kiss you and forces your mouth open with her fingers.

You gasp in pain as a finger slides up your ass hole. What do you do now?

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