Offer a gift to prove yourself to his tribe.

From Create Your Own Story

You two talk things over and eventually Hinnus, the centaur, believes there is one way for you to get the trust of his tribe. He promises the trip isn't far, so you walk with him back to their little village in the deeper part of the woods.

"Just so you know, I don't recommend this," he says as he leaves you at the door of a long wooden hut, dozens of other centaurs casting wary glances at you. Walking inside there are a number of hybrid creatures. A centaur with a bull's body and man's torso, a minotaur, a deer-centaur like Hinnus, and a serpent-bodied man.

"I found her in the hunting grounds," Hinnus explains, walking in after you.

"Yes, we figured," hissed the serpent. "We assume you have a valid reason to trust this woman, so leave us now."

Hinnus sighs and gives you a worried look. But he has his orders and leaves. The other creatures talk and deliberate for a while until the minotaur looks at you and decides to explain.

"We represent the creatures that live in these woods," he says. "Not all of us are from this village, but the forests are our shared home. If you want to camp here, then there is one thing you can give us."

He gestures to the serpent, who slithers up to you and hands you a bowl of liquid ingredients. "This is a potion that will help you with the task," he says.

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