Of course, with a little resentment

From Create Your Own Story

Ginny walks over to Dudley with full hatred ticking throughout her maid-suited body. She looks at the towering boxer with animated faux-happy servitude. The beautiful lovely redhead lances her tongue outwardly. Dudley grin holding the toy and seeing the dutiful eyes of his second witch whore. The power his cock as he thought, has over these two women. Fill him up with unworldly achievement. He wondered how the next bitch would look when he submit another wizarding whore into his cavern of whores.

Dudley said to reinforce and bolster his influence over the redheaded witch. "What do you say bitch number two?"

Ginny said. "Ahhhh." Like she is having a regular checkup. Like sitting in a dentist's chair waiting for the metal instrument entering his mouth.

Dudley pushes the clear white plug covered in Harry's ass scent. Ginny's mouth opened wide to allow the taste of the plastic plug and Harry's hole to form in her mouth. Dudley let the plug go, granting Ginny the to hold the toy for herself. Ginny never thought in her life that she would be in front of five men, Harry Potter in a feminine form with tits, and sucking on a sex toy in front of them. Her tongue switched from one end to the other. She lapped the remainder of Harry's plug clean with the men whooping loudly.

"You go girl." Fake hype from Dennis fills Ginny with further embarrassment.

Malcolm said. "A masterpiece of slutty submission on display." His comment arose in Harry something she didn't want to feel.



Said "little Red riding bitch gives her toy back. Men we got some poker to play."

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