Now that she's awake, give your new mate a tour of the village

From Create Your Own Story

You help her out of the bed and take her hand.

"Where are we going?" she asks.

"I'll just show you around," you say. You also want to show her off.

You walk around, drawing congratulations from your fellow orcs, and show her the full village. You save your brother of mind's dwelling for last. As you hoped, your brothers of strength are assisting him.

"Nice job," they say. Your brother of mind smiles at you, then returns to mending the leg of an orc that got into an argument with a bear.

You return with your mate to your parents' house, eat, then take her to the bedroom. She lies down and strokes your cock insistently.

"I get the message," you tell her.

Health Horny, mated to dark-elf girl Equipment:


Experience Low
HP 100
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