No. I want to live, damnit!

From Create Your Own Story

Reaching up, you grab the woman and beg desperately for her to save you. She nods, doing her best to get you to your feet. Every inch of movement causes you more and more pain, but she loads you into the passenger seat of the car slowly but surely. It seems like it takes eons, but she buckles you in and gets around the driver's seat.

You're off through the rain, hauling ass down the highway. You're bleeding profusely, dizzy, and to make matters worse, it seems like Melanie isn't doing much better. The time it took to save the woman and get you into the car was time she didn't have to spare.

You're down the road not a mile before the woman pulls over to the side of the road. She unbuckles your belt. "I'm sorry," she says. "You're both dead anyway." Reaching across you, she opens your door and simply pushes you out onto the road. With the amount of blood you've lost, you're too weak to fight. You topple out and lie in the rain, unable to get to your feet.

A few moments later, you see the woman dragging Melanie out onto the road next to you. She mouths an apology that you can't hear over the thunder and downpour. Then she leaves you both there, speeding off down the highway.

It's a matter of minutes before you both succumb to your wounds.

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