Next to a guy wearing a football uniform

From Create Your Own Story

You sit down next to a guy where a football uniform. He introduces himself,"Hey I'm Tom."

"Hey," you respond, unsure what to say. You aren't used to football players talking to you.

"You a new student, I don't remember you."

"Yeah I just transferred."

"Cool well you should consider trying out for the football team. We won state last year and we are going to win again. And we all know the ladies love a football man." Tom laughs.

You chat the rest of the way with your new friend Tom. He is a lineman on the football team.

You guys get off the bus and either go to your math class or join the guys, Tom and some of his football buddies, at the gym.

Height 6'2" High School Prestige


Weight 245
Attractiveness 7
Intelligence 6
Current Penis Length 6 Inches
Arousal 0%
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