Mia/Lost/go deeper in the woods

From Create Your Own Story

< Mia | Lost

You're too scared to go back there and possibly run into your attacker again, but you also don't want to fall asleep out here in the open. After hesitating and nearly panicking for a while, you see smoke rising from deeper inside the forest. Your limited knowledge of the outside world only comes up with one answer : There must be a nice old hermit living in the woods in a cozy little house. You get up eagerly and make your way to the source of the smoke.

Trying to run trough the bushes earns you alot of cuts and you trip&fall over and over again. You feel like you've been trying to make your way trough the underbrush for days by the time you make it to a campfire. Sadly, there's no cozy little house or friendly hermit anywhere. All you see is a few dozen people around a large campfire, they look like the trade caravans that sometimes visit the castle. Tho their clothes are less fancy and all of their wares are carelessly piled together. You also notice that they all carry some nasty-looking weaponry.

You're scared, they don't really look like nice people and there's no way you'd be able to fight or even run in your current condition. There's nowhere else to go tough and you're exhausted..

You :

Approach them

Stay in hiding

Go back into the woods

Health 40 Equipment:

torn rags

Stamina 15
Mood Exhausted Inventory:


Purse {{{Gold}}}, {{{Silver}}}, {{{Copper}}}
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