Manage the larvae, morph half into Zerglings, the rest into Drones, and morph an Overlord whenever needed

From Create Your Own Story

"As you wish, Overmind," she says.

1 week later

You go to the village to meet with Ma'Karith.

"You have returned. To what do we owe the pleasure, Overmind?" he asks.

"I have come to make an offer. I will protect your village, if you contribute 10 percent of all future resources to the Swarm," you reply.

"After seeing what your Zerglings can do, that offer is irresistible. When will you start?" he asks.


Fifty Zerglings come out of the ground behind you.

"Wow! Impressive!" he exclaims.

The Zerglings patrol the area now, protecting the village with their lives.

"Overmind, the Swarm is ready to evolve," Contemnis says.

Do you:

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