Make your final decision on the deal

From Create Your Own Story

You return to your hotel room exhausted, not only from your speech but having to spend all day driving around the city and talking to various interest groups. While you desperately want to sleep, you know that you need to make a decision soon. Every moment you delay your people suffer. You begin to mull over the various deals you heard that day.

The conditions of the American deal, an exclusive free trade agreement, will be very unpopular with the workers who have jobs in manufacturing and farmers who make up a majority of your people, and it give you an extremely unequal relationship with the United States for years to come. Likewise, the Communist party is one of the most powerful groups in the opposition, with a large and vocal base of support among the poor, so excluding them from the government will prove deeply unpopular. Then again, the group of soldiers promised by the CIA will provide you with the seed for your army in Barataria, and with them you won’t need to rely on the other, less loyal, factions.

Similarly, the conditions of the Chinese deal, that a Chinese energy company have a large share of Barataria’s oil supply, will be met with popular disapproval by the middle and upper classes. Oil is your nation's leading industry, and many of them are employed by or own stock in the national oil company. Giving such a large portion of control to the Chinese could be seen as a dangerous precedent. Likewise, the Communist party is extremely hostile to you, so requiring them to be included in the government could give them the means to force you from power. Still, with the amount of weapons they’re giving you, you’ll be a match for Blanca on his army for once.

Eli Stone’s conditions would be mostly unknown to the common people in the streets but the results from them could be dangerous for the welfare of your nation. The economic policies that Stone demands might grow for the economy, but the wealth created would mostly flow to the already wealthy, leaving the poor far behind. Also, giving Stone the power to pick the Minister in charge of directing the economy would be a dangerous precedent in stripping away the people’s right to democratically choose their leaders. So too, most people will want some kind of justice against those who served in Blanca’s regime, and forcing you to pardon them could turn the people against you. Still, an internal coup would save many lives, and would leave the nation mostly intact.

The decision won’t be easy and none of the deals are perfect, but lacking leverage, there’s little you can do. Considering how weak your current position is, taking one of the deals may be your only option

What deal are you going to take?

Take to the American deal - A free trade agreement in exchange for an elite squad of soldiers

Take the Chinese deal - A large stake in your oil supply for a huge cache of weapons.

Take Stone’s Deal - Giving up economic control for an internal coup.

Take no deal - Reject them all and hope PM Monte has had better luck.

You are: Citizen of Barataria
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