Make the best of your situation and live happily with the Minotaur

From Create Your Own Story

Several weeks later.

With a groan you wake up, sore, as is always the case. You look to your left and see your husband, Gurach, the Minotaur sleeping in, as usual. He fucks you relentlessly every night, until you both pass out. Though you do always get a good nights sleep, you certainly could do without the aches and pains.

After a quick stretch, you get to your feet, head over to the kitchen, put on a white apron, and start making breakfast for the both of you. Though the apron serves little purpose, as you are pretty careful when cooking, your husband likes it when it's the only bit of clothing on you. Breakfast is the same as it has been since you started making it; toast, eggs, bacon, and a glass of fresh milk. You have no idea where he gets the food from, he probably steals it, but you're not complaining.

You've gotten comfortable with your new life. Though you miss your family, you realize you'll never see them again, and Gurach is now your only family. Despite being rough during sex, he has sworn to protect you, and you simply can't hate him for that. He's certainly trying to please you, at the very least.

As the bacon sizzles in the pan, you take out a glass, and free one of your breasts from the apron. You hold your nipple up to the glass and moan as you squeeze. Though nothing comes out, and you sigh. As it turns out, the fruit that triggers lactation only lasts for a couple of days, and then you have to eat another one. But, Gurach has stockpiled a large amount, and you take one out, eating it as quickly as you can. The effects are almost instantaneous now, as you body has gotten semi used to the effects, and you fill his glass with your milk.

Now that breakfast is done, you lay out two plates and fill them with the food. Gurach likes to eat in bed with you, so you bring breakfast over to him. You notice him smiling at you, when you approach the bed.

"Good morning, my love." he says.

"Good morning, dear." you respond as you hand him his breakfast.

Gurach lays on his side as he eats, and you sit on the edge of the bed. Though you've never cooked before being married to him, you have gotten pretty good at it over the weeks and are getting better. As the two of you eat, you wonder what you should do for the rest of the day.


Health Horny, female orc, mated to Gurach, aching loins Equipment:


Experience Minotaur's wife
HP 100
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