MS: Teach them a really good stress relief technique

From Create Your Own Story

"Why it's a health class, and my name is Ms Feelsgood, Patricia Feelsgood. We are learning about stress and ways of alleviating it." The teacher explains "Stress can build up and cause harm if bottled up and not dealt with. It's important the girls learn how to identify it and ways of easing over it."

You make your way to the front of the class "Oh agreed stress can be a killer it's very important to relax and have ways that help make that stress melt away" you say as your erection bobs up and down "what are some of the ways?"

The teachers stares at your erection, hungry for it, her eyes dart back up to yours "well we were just going over that. Class," she turns and adress the girls "can anyone give the Cumlord some examples? And there's a really important one lets see if anyone can get it"

Hands go up abs the teacher calls on each in turn and girls give answers

" meditate" said one

"Sports" another

"Going on a walk"

"Talking it out with friends or family "

Answers came in lots of good examples "still haven't heard the biggest one" the teacher said, hopping one would get it.

A shy girl in the back blurted out "masturbation" and immediately became flush and embarrassed.

The teach beamed "yes very good Lizzy, don't be shy or embarrassed about it." The teacher said reassuring the girl "Yes girls Masturbation. It's a very very good stress reliever. The best in fact. And no one should be ashamed or shy about it. Who here has tried masturbation." No hands go up "come on girls don't be shy" she raises her hand goes up and waives it proudly "I do" more hands shoot up " good good a few have tried it some haven't that's ok that's why we have this class. Now keep hands up who do it regularly" a few go down "ok and who here after seeing the majesty of the cum lords blessed cock wants to masturbate right now?" All of the girls hands shoot up, even the ones who admitted they never tried it. The teacher turns to you "my lord with your permission would you mind if I give the girls a practical demonstration and have them practice by focusing on your majestic penis?"

You smile "well of course, I'm a huge fan of education and would love to help out any way I can. Feel free to use me any way you want" you say chuckling your cock bobbing up and down.

"Oh my, thank you" the teach says, swooning a bit "ok girls we are going to start small now normallly this part can be down without undressing at all but for purposes of demonstration and ensuring good technique let's remove our skirts or pants and any girls wearing a dress just go ahead and take it off." The teach removes her own skirt she has on a garter built attached to black stockings and is wearing a lace bikini cut panties. The girls, while all giggling, strip off their skirts and pants, they all different types of panties on most quite modest. There are three girls who where dresses they all take them off, one of the girls isn't wearing a bra and has on a pair of panties with an adorable cartoon character on the crotch and butt of the panties. You recognize this as Lizzy, the girl who gave the answer of masturbation. She is quite cute as she blushes and giggles and fidgets a bit.

What do you do:

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