MN/P1Male/Breakfast/Abby Jones

From Create Your Own Story

Your concentration is broken when your sister clears her throat loudly and quite rudely. You turn your eyes to her and take her sight in.

She is just as stunning as your mother without any of the personality or grace. Even in her twenties, she has the body of a teenage goddess and barely an ounce of fat on her. She is currently on her phone and texting a friend.

Having been the oldest daughter and most privilege out of the children, she is, by far, the most spoiled child. She is, of course, your father's favorite, and gets everything she wants by batting her thick lashes and making her cute pouty face.

She's dressed in pink sweat-clothing and fills them out nicely. Her hair is dyed black, but platinum blonde in the front with streaks of the same color. You remember, she's been a source of torment for you because she insists on asserting her dominance to her all the younger siblings. You remember cursing her name in anger, “Abby.”

Observe your brother, Fred

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