Look around your new home as you wait for the king

From Create Your Own Story

Deciding there's nothing better to do, you start exploring the room. Opening the wardrobe to find various clothes, all made from the highest quality, and all for the king. That leaves you with only your silk dress to wear. Your focus then turns to the small door and you open it, to see a beautiful bathroom, complete with a tub for bathing. These elves certainly like to keep themselves clean. You close the door, and head over to the desk, and look through a few of the drawers. There's not much in them, other than sheets of paper, and pens.

With nothing else to look at, you go out to the patio and look down at the city and surrounding forest. Unfortunately, you can't see your village from here, and wish you could tell your parents that you're safe. But now that you think about it, Leogace mentioned that your mother was the princess here, that would mean that the king is your grandfather. Though you are about to have sex with him, it doesn't bother you as much as you thought it would. It's strange, but what you said about the king was true. You do feel sorry for him, and want to help make him feel better.

Suddenly, you feel a hand on your shoulder, snapping you out of your thoughts. You look to your side and see the king. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yes, very."

"Your presence has made it even more so, now."

You can't help but blush at his words, and smile. "Thank you, my lord."

"Please, call me Aknamar."

"Um... A-Aknamar."

Aknamar chuckles, and runs his fingers through your hair. "Tell me, where are you from?"

You point out to where you guess your village would be and say, "Somewhere out there. I don't remember exactly."

"Beyond my boarders then. My daughter is out there somewhere, too. She was... taken from me."

"Leogace mentioned that."

Aknamar looks ready to burst into tears, and it just breaks your heart to see him so depressed. "If only we had been able to take that orc alive." he mumbles.

Health Horny, female orc, named Ronama Equipment:

silk dress

Experience Virgin
HP 100
Personal tools