LoL/(M)(GAF) Demand that Cuttle be given to you

From Create Your Own Story

"No," you say vehemently as you climb out of bed, clad in just a thin hospital robe. "I want Cuttle. I brought him out of the labyrinth; he belongs to me. Take me to him. Now."

The mayor huffs and sputters. "Well, this is-- I don't-- You can't-- Why do you want that creature?" he finally asks.

"Because I like him," you say. "He kept me from drowning after I fell into his pool to put the foxfire out. He could have let me die and taken the teleportation stone if all he wanted to do was escape. He's different."

The mayor looks skeptical, but finally nods. "All right. I'll have your clothes brought to you and you can dress, and then we can go find your...creature."

Labyrinth of Lust
Health Tired Treasure:

Jeweled Gold and Platinum Crown

Gender Male
Location Gay, adult, furry
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