Listen to the conversation through the door

From Create Your Own Story

You press your ear against the door, and catch some snippets of conversation. It sounds like they use working girls on the streets to move and sell some kind of sex drug. You don't gather much more info, however, because the door suddenly opens forcefully, smacking you upside the head and knocking you unconscious.

You awaken some time later. The first thing you notice is the horrible smell, and you realize the men must have put you down the ladder. Opening your eyes, you discover you're right. On top of that, you're bound tightly, and the "customer" is facing you. It's only then that you register the cold concrete under your ass, and realize you've been stripped, too.

"Listen here, bitch. You're trouble, especially since you've seen and heard things. However, we might be able to work something out."

He walks over to the crates, and says, "In here is one of the most potent sex-booster drugs ever produced. It's incredibly potent, and highly illegal. You can help us test it, or you can help run it."

He pulls a large knife out of his pocket, and you catch the hint.

Despite all this, you're incredibly horny, and your pussy leaks onto the floor. The "customer" also appears to have a raging hard-on. Maybe you can use that to your advantage...

Do you:

Health Horny, Hormonal, and tightly bound Location:

The Sewers beneath The Used-Clothing Store

MP 0
Level 1
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