Linger by the kitchen door

From Create Your Own Story

You linger by the kitchen door and a moment later Veronica steps out.

"Well, well, well," she says. "Was someone eavesdropping?"

You look her dead in the eyes. "Yes."

Veronica arches her eyebrow and smirks. "And?"

"And I heard a few things I liked."

"Hmmm...Is that so?" Veronica says.

"I want to play a little game," you say, stepping closer. Your cock twitches, pushing tight against your jeans. Veronica looks down and her eyelashes flutter. She looks back up at your face with a smile.

"Okay," she says. "What are the rules?"

"We go upstairs and pretend you're single and my age."

Veronica laughs at your brashness. "I can't do that, I'm married."

"That's part of the fun," you say. You slip your hand between her legs and grab her crotch.

Veronica's eyes flutter -- a soft moan escapes her lips. She glances at the back door and smiles.

"Hurry," she says. She grabs your hand.

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