Lie and say, "I'm a guy. Of course I can throw like a man."

From Create Your Own Story

"I'm a dude," you say cockily. "Of course I can throw like one."

Annabelle's beautiful face is expressionless. "Go out for a pass, then throw it back to me."


Well, what did you think would happen? There's no way to back up your lie. Praying for a miracle, you jog out onto the grass. "Farther," says Annabelle.

You move out ten more yards, then pause. "Keep going!" she shouts. Finally, she motions for you to stop. She must be about 45 yards away now. You've never met a girl who can throw a football this far. If she can, that would be so powerful and sexy...

Annabelle throws the ball. Her throw is incredibly powerful and accurate. You don't even attempt to catch it, knowing that you couldn't anyway and trying might break your fingers. The ball lands on the grass a few feet behind you to the left. "You were supposed to catch that!" she shouts. "Now throw it back!"

There's no escape now. Or is there?

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