Let the curious dinosaur continue to touch you

From Create Your Own Story

Status: Naked and being examined by a dinosaur

The dinosaur doesn't appear to be a threat, so you hold still.

The dinosaur sticks its other front leg out and lifts you off the ground, holding you between its two massive front feet. It brings up its feet and stares at you with its large, peaceful eyes.

The dinosaur makes a funny noise and brings you up close to its face. You can feel its warm breath on you.

A couple of other dinosaurs are approaching. They are staring at you in perplexity. You are, after all, the only human they've ever seen.

You could slip down easily enough to the ground. It would only be about a six foot drop if you positioned yourself vertically, because you estimate your head is 12 feet off the ground.

But the dinosaurs don't appear threatening.

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