Let the big guy fuck you

From Create Your Own Story

It's obvious you have no other choice. You feel a little shameful as you fold your arms behind your back and blush, nodding your head submissively as you stare at the ground. "O-okay." You stutter, biting your lower lip. "I'll do it."

The large man steps closer to you and grabs your chin, forcing you to stare directly at him. "Do what?" he asks you with a smug smirk and a single raised eyebrow.

"I'll..." you hesitate to answer. You can't believe the words are coming out of your mouth. "I'll let you... f-fuck me..."

A devilish ear-to-ear smile comes across the hulking man's face as grabs you by the shoulder and pulls you close. He gropes one of your breasts and your ass as he shoves his tongue in your mouth and starts aggressively making out with you. People driving by start hollering, jeering and honking as they go past. Before you can say anything, the man effortlessly hikes you over his shoulder and carries you to his wrecked car.

You're thrown clumsily into the back seat like a bag of potatoes. You roll over and see him pull his dick out, massive and throbbing, with a large vein pulsating on the side. You bite your lower lip and grab the fabric of the seats as hard as you can, bracing for what's to come. No backing out now.

He crawls into the car and on top of you. Before you know it, he grabs the back of your head and forces his girthy cock down your throat. He furiously fucks your face as you make moans of shock and struggle. It's so hard and thick that you can barely move your tongue around underneath it. Seconds later, he shoves his hand down your pants and starts to finger you. He gently flicks your clit around and rapidly rubs the outsides of your pussy for what feels like several minutes, fucking your face the whole time. He even begins to press his finger against your butthole, rubbing the outside gently as if preparing to violate it too.

When he finally jams his fingers inside you, penetrating your sensitive pussy and making the juices squirt everywhere, you can feel his massive cock buldge in your mouth like its ready to burst. Your whole body is trembling, your head is spinning, you can barely breathe. If you weren't laying down, you'd probably collapse. Suddenly, you feel a sharp, piercing pain from behind as one of her thick sausage fingers jams itself into your butthole. You try to scream in shock, only for it to be muffled by his penis.

You both seem to orgasm as the same time, your whole body goes limp as your pussy explodes, juices pooling all over your legs and soaking your tiny thong. The intense relief you feel as he pulls his hand away only lasts for a split-second as its interrupted by the tremendous orgasm that sends shockwaves of pleasure all over your body.

His cock shoots a titanic wad of hot, gooey cum in your mouth so thick that you can't even hope to swallow it. It starts leaking out through the sides of your mouth. In the blink of an eye, he pulls his cock right out of your face, and you gasp and gag as a massive glob of semen and spittle falls down and splashes all over your torso, spilling all the way down from your heaving breasts to your trembling thighs.

You both hyperventilate. Your hot, heavy breathing seems to heat up the whole car, making thick strands of sweat pour down your already filthy body.

"That was... amazing..." The man grunts. You feel like you're a puddle on the ground, but he looks like he's already up for more. You gulp as he proudly announces "But it's not over yet."

He grabs you by the hips and flips you over on your stomach. You feel his strong, powerful hand effortless pull your tiny little thong panties down to your ankles, your tiny bra disheveled and no longer covering your rock hard nipples. You try to push yourself up to brace for what's next, but your arms feel like noodles and your legs are totally numb.

You let out a high-pitched, pathetic-sounding puppy whine as he announces what will come next:

"Time to fuck your ass!"

Just one finger from this meathead felt like a whole fist. But his gigantic cock pressed into your squirming asshole feelts like a semi-truck. You stick your face in the leather of the backseats and scream. Even heavily lubricated and primed, the first minute or so feels like agony as his hips slam against you, making your butt jiggle with every mighty thrust. Yet, as it goes along, you feel strangely... good? Somehow, despite the pain, every pleasure point in your body feels stimulated. The rougher he treats your fat, tender ass, the better it feels. Your butthole burns with a twisted mix of pleasure and pain.

Things only intensify when he reaches over and starts to finger your pussy again. The sensation of having your pussy pleasured while your ass is drilled is almost mind breaking. Your eyes roll in the back of your head, your toes curl, your tongue slumps out of your mouth like a panting dog. You moan and holler in satisfaction, your entire brain lost in a primal haze of lust.

His cock erupts again, and you have a thunderous multiple orgasm that feels like a volcano exploding. Your vision goes blurry as you go completely limp. As monster cock leaves your ravaged anus, and a gigantic geyser of cum spills from your ass. The entire backseat is soaking in a stew of your collective cum.

"Awww, shit! That was... amazing..." he huffs as he shakes a few drops of cum down on to your already soaked ass. He puts his dick back in his pants and zips up. You try to speak, but the only words that come out are meaningless gurgles.

"Alright, that more than makes up for the insurance claims." The man shrugs, a smirk on his face. "Uhh, can you walk? Or should I drive you home?"

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