Let curiosity overpower you and simply slip down into the sewer, hoping the canal isn't too deep

From Create Your Own Story

You dip one toe into the sewage. It is actually warm to the touch, not cold like you thought.

You ease your feet into the browny-green muck. The surface is a patchwork of more solid parts separated by "open water", and in order to not stir the soup more than you have to, you try to find open water for your feet.

This leaves a oblong-shaped "island" in-between your legs. Suddenly you see several inch-long black shapes scurry about on "your" island. Cockroaches!

Thinking there will be insects everywhere, you try to ignore their clicking noises, and sink lower into the sludge. Now you're knee-deep and still feel no bottom. How deep is this sewer?

Do you:

Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

The Sewers

MP 0
Level 1
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