Let Ben in on it, he could probably help set you up.

From Create Your Own Story

You look at Ben, trying to figure him out...he looks miserable, a Satanist with a ball and chain; you should feel obligated to rid him of his hot but bitchy burden. Oh, who are you kidding, you don't give a shit about what Ben wants but maybe you can persuade him to think you do...you feel yourself getting hot just thinking about her tight little brown ass and all of that long black hair...

"Ben, how much do you love your wife?" you say casually.

"Depends, is she on all fours?" He snickers derisively. Okay score one.

"I'm going to be really honest with you Ben, you don't seem very happy...and I think I can help you with that..."

He looks at you sideways; he probably thinks your going to blow him...hell whatever it takes you guess.

"What would you think if I said I wanted to use your wife in the Great Sacrifice?"

He blanches and his eyes balloon. "Are you fucking kidding? She's my wife?"

"The wife that's holding you back, and keeps your balls in her little purple purse, I'm giving you an out; hell you can help me turn her if you want."

"No, no way, I can't do that...I mean yeah she's a real cunt but..."

He doesn't finish his sentence but you've still got to convince him the rest of the way...

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