Leave the House by the Front Door 2

From Create Your Own Story

You realize that you have more important business to attend to then exact your revenge on you psychotic father and mother. You walk out the front door into the street. You pass by the overgrown bushes near your house and you stand on the sidewalk. You are on a street called Greatwood Court. There are four houses on this street: your house, A big two-story house that Edward Terrance (a scientist; not as smart as you) lives in, and a small red house that you heard contains a family of eight- six children and two parents; a good start for your army, the pistol you took with you will help. The last house is another one-story that contains a old guy who always yelled at you for disturbing his cats when you were young. You have wanted to exact your revenge on him and now is the best time.

What Do You Want to Do?

Investigate One of the Houses?

Travel Somewhere Else in your Red with Black-Stripes Mustang? (It is Midnight so you can not go to a store because its CLOSED)


IQ 150 Location:

The Street

Species Zombie Overlord
Health UnDead
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