Klein - Fatal Bullet

From Create Your Own Story

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Klein is, just like many, an SAO survivor. Originally being the leader of the guild: Fuurinkazan, Klein now usually is considered a follower and not a leader. Despite this change, Klein still is as happy as always, and it won't change anytime soon. His personality really is something else however. Every pretty girl he sees, is a target for his hard to obtain love life. It doesn't matter who or what she is, as long as she's a girl and around his age range, Klein's approach is unavoidable.

Next to being a lover boy, he shows great respect for his friends around him. He also is very protective, and he won't stop being so until someone puts him out of his misery. Even though he's a strange man, abandoning him would be a shame since he makes an amazing friend.

  • Full name: Tsuboi Ryoutarou
  • Age: 25
  • Hair color: Red
  • Eye color: Brown
  • Characteristics: Funny, Protective, Flirty
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