Kiss your way down Svetlana's neck towards her chest

From Create Your Own Story

You comply with her request as you return your attention to her neck while she makes ooh and mmm sounds each time you lather her neck with kisses. Meanwhile your hands have been eagerly unbuttoning her blouse, leaving Svetlana wearing only her bra as you make a trail from her neck to her chest which is heaving heavily with excitement due to the attention that you have been giving her.

Svetlana's next move surprises you though as she gently pushed you back onto the couch but thankfully you never break contact with her skin. Breathing heavily, your wife whispers,"please beloved..." as you sucked her nipples through her now soaked bra and you fumble a bit before your hands manage to unhook the blasted thing, leaving nothing but air between you and those perfect globes of hers.

She has been busy herself unlatching your pants and you kicked them off while she got rid of your t-shirt {you mentally thanked yourself for wearing a wifebeater today} as Svetlana does a 69 on you and frees your rather strained erection from your boxers. You nearly jump off the couch when she goes down on you, but you manage to refrain from coming as you lick her dripping wet pussy from top to bottom before you start fingering her pussy while licking her clit. Meanwhile using the index finger and thumb to fill her asshole.

This causes Svetlana to stop sucking your leaking penis and moan rather loudly and you thank your stars that the two of you live on the top floor so you don't necessarily need to sush her but you figure it's better to be safe than sorry. You lift your hips a bit hoping that she gets the message and she does as your wife starts sucking you again.

Your foreplay soon reaches the point of no return as Svetlana turns around again and rubs herself against you, muttering, "I want to feel you inside of me". You happily oblige and push yourself deep inside of her. For a moment neither one of you moves, simply enjoying the feeling of being one. Then your worst nightmare happens....somebody is knocking on the door.

What do you do?

Arise and answer the door

Don't answer the door

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