Kiss the triplets good-bye and hang around the pond for a bit

From Create Your Own Story

Status: Clothed and Warm

You give the triplets kisses, and they head off. You slip back into your clothes and lie in a shaded spot on the bank, still trying to recover.

Even in the shade, it's still quite warm. You half-close your eyes, and soon they're fully closed...

You hear male screaming nearby, and open your eyes. A naked man is tied to a tree. Ten men in black outfits, wearing black masks, are slicing into his skin with knives.

"R. C. wants your demise to be as painful as possible," smirks one of the men in black. He seems to be the leader.

As you watch in horror, one of the black-clad men slices off the tied-up man's testicles. He then forces the man's mouth open and pops them inside. "Better enjoy them. They're your last meal."

The tied-up man makes an effort to spit, but the men force him to chew and swallow. That's followed by the men systematically cutting off all his fingers. After about two minutes of progressively weaker screams, the blood loss kills the tied-up man.

It's only when the men in black carry the mutilated corpse to the pond that they notice you.

"Mob business," explains the leader, weighting what's left of the body down with a rock. "I'm sure you didn't see anything."

"Of course not," you squeak, in a voice that any mouse would envy.

"Good," he says, as he and his companions drop the body into the pond. They stride away and you hear the sound of an engine starting up a few moments later.

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