Just open your cervix and let them swim out how they like

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to let the little octopi choose their own path. Focusing, you flex your muscles and open the doorway to your womb.

"Come! Babies, come mama!" you shout, your voice sounding gurgly and animalistic. You didn't realize how quickly you had begun to forget human trappings, like language.

But the babies get the message and they rush through the opening almost simultaneously, shattering your cervix. They come to the threeway fork inside your guts and choose their paths.

You reflexively release your grip on the bottom of the cave as your thousands of swarming young leave your body. Your asshole prolapses instantly, as does your vagina. The octopi that choose your throat crowd your mouth as you dislocate your cartilaginous jaw, opening your maw more than a foot wide. Your body is wracked with more pleasure and pain than you've ever experienced as the tiny octopi flood out of you.

And yet you survive! Your lack any true bones and your muscular, flexible body allows you to be practically turned inside out by your brood. Your belly shrinks to normal size almost immediately, without any tearing or stretchmarks. You lay on the floor of the cave and look up, proudly, at your thousands of children while your trauma rapidly heals.

"Babies! Mama love babies!"

Instinctively you take your arm tentacles, wrap them around your massive tits, and squeeze them with such force that your eyes tear. Gallons of thick, syrupy milk floods upward into the mass of baby octopi, and they happily take in their first meal.

"Feed baby! Feed baby!" you cry out in your warbly voice. You watch them dance above you for hours as they eat up your milk and slowly make their way out of the cave.

"Goodbye, baby..." you say, still panting as you watch them leave one by one. Most are destined to be fish food, but you hope a few dozen survive to adulthood to impregnate more weak humans.

Humans. Hard to believe you were one just roughly two weeks ago. With your babies birthed, it suddenly dawns on you that you're alone, and possibly the only member of a new species. You're also very hungry, and the desire to go hunt for food is becoming overpowering. What is your next goal now that you no longer have to protect your young?

Health Horny and Hormonal, in labor, and betentacled Location:

Small Underwater Cave

MP 0
Level 1
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