Jake fucks your pussy first
From Create Your Own Story
The young man steps up behind you and inserts his sixteen year old spearhead into your pussy. Feeling wonderful as his hard dick enters your young pink pussy, he begins fucking it vigorously.
“Ohh, ohh, ohh, fuck me Jake! Fuck me on my mother’s bed! Fuck me hard!” You manage to squeeze out of your mouth in between your passionate moan.
Jake grunts as his hips swing back and forth at an accelerating pace. His eager dick moving in and out of you causing both of you great pleasure. Your pussy gladly juice up to lubricate his dick. He grabs your hair in the tight grip of his hand and yanks it backwards. Jake controls you with both his dick and his hand, the sensation making your pussy dripping wet. He is in firm command, each trust confirming that position. With your soft pussy you squeeze his teenage cock as it runs through you, spreading and pressuring all your intimate zones. It’s essential teenage lust, a young dominant cock and fertile submissive pussy joining to create the most juvenile of pleasures. You both know your positions and relish them. The loud moans, the inexhaustible thrusts, the approaching climax, each move being done in youthful unison. You grip the bed sheets and bite your upper lips at how absolutely satisfyingly pleasurable a young cock can be. Its enthusiastic poundings in your cunt letting lose all kinds of orgasmic emotions. Jake is a real alpha male no doubt.
Next to you your mother lies on all fours masturbating. Anna has her long slender fingers churned up inside her pussy, and her pussy is dripping in arousal.
“You’re a dirty woman with a dirty daughter.” Jake tells her and she smiles. She smiles back and so do you, finding arousal in such a perverted statement.
“She’s even getting more exited from having you watch her. I can feel her pussy clamping down on my cock even tighter!”
“Ahh, Yes, yes its true!” You yell out in orgasmic approval.”
“Your daughter is such a slut Anna. She wants my cock so bad; I fuck women like this daily so I know how they think. Whenever they see me they stare at my crotch wishing they had my cock pounding away at their cunts.”
The words reach Anna’s ears and she fingers herself faster. She keeps her eyes fixed at your rhythmic thrusting’s. Growing even more hornier as she sees you, her only daughter quickly approaching orgasm.
Confidently Jake smacks your buttock and then asks you. “What is it you want Sharon?”
“Y… ahh… Your young cock´s cum!”
“How much do you want it?”
“Ahh, I want it… I want it, I want it bad!”
“Where do you want it bitch?”