Introduce yourself, and what you want

From Create Your Own Story

You reach down and scoop the young woman off the floor and into your arms. You hold her securely but gently against you.

"Hello," you say. "I mean you no harm. I wish to make this delightful young lady may lifetime mate. I will, naturally, protect her from all harm, treat her with the utmost care, and work hard to ensure she -- and if you wish it, you, as her family -- are well supplied with food and other essentials."

There's a long silence. The young woman in your arms begins to look frightened, and you whisper to her, "There is nothing to fear. I promise."

Finally, the mother speaks. "Do not harm my daughter!"

"Harm? Of course not!" you reply, somewhat indignantly. "An orc male never lets his mate come to any harm. In fact, I would fight to the death to defend her from harm!"

The father gives you a suspicious look. "Can you protect her from yourself?"

You pause for a moment.

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 25
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