Incubus: Tell him the decision is his

From Create Your Own Story

"Only if you'll let me," you say, trying not to take the fear in his eyes to heart. He's not afraid of you, he's afraid of the lies he's been told. "I have time to let you decide--I don't need to feed today, but before you make up your mind, I want you to look at something."

You glance down at your wrist, and then unbutton your cuff, pushing you sleeve back to reveal a wide, pale band of scar tissue encircling your wrist. "Look at this," you say, holding out your arm. He flinches at the motion and eyes your arm suspiciously. You see him swallow hard.

"What happened?" he asks.

"I wasn't much older than you look when I was kidnapped by an evil man," you say. "He locked me in his basement, kept me chained to the wall, and waited for me to lose control of my demon. Then he brought someone else down--a whore, I think. Her hands were bound behind her and he gave her to me. I couldn't stop myself. That sick fuck stood and jerked off as he watched me rape her, and when I had fed enough on his pleasure to get control again, he took her and raped her again. The next time he brought an old man, and after that, a teenage boy, and every three days for several months, he brought someone else for me to hurt."

"I don't like losing control," you say, taking a step toward him. "I don't like hurting people. I feed on pleasure, not fear, not pain." He backs away from you, up against the end of your bed, and you can see the panic on his face. You take a step back.

"I don't have to do anything to you except touch your hand, or your leg," you say. You don't need to maintain physical contact to feed--you can feed through a brick wall, if you have to--but it does make things a whole lot easier. "If you'll just let me touch you while you pleasure yourself, that will be enough."

"So-" He sounds out of breath. "So you want me to- to jerk off and- and you won't do anything to me, you won't rape me or make me blow you or anything?"

"That's right," you say. "Unless you enjoyed it, it would feed my hunger."

"People who aren't demons rape people all the time," he points out. "They do it just for kicks."

"Well, you're lucky, because I'm not one of them," you say, pushing you sleeve back down and buttoning the cuff again. After being forced to rape for the enjoyment of that sick bastard over and over again, you can't imagine ever hurting someone for pleasure. "I'll need your decision by this time tomorrow," you say, stepping to one side. "You may go." He hesitates.

"Th- thank you, Captain, sir," Kaerillian says, and he tries to dart past you. Your arm flashes out and you grab him by the front of the tunic.

"Don't tell anyone about me," you say. "Some of my crew is aware of my condition, and if they tell me that you've betrayed my confidence, you'll wish I had raped you. Understood?"

"Yes, Captain," he said, nodding vigorously. "I won't say a word, I swear." You release him and let him leave, hoping you've made the right decision. If it comes down to it--if he refuses--there's always Cole. You grimace and head back out on deck.

Cole is still standing at the wheel, observing the crew from the raised stern deck. He's scowling about something, which is never a good sign. With eyes like a hawk--literally--little escapes him. You see your cook, Takita, standing at the starboard rail, his tail waving in the wind as he plays a set of reed pipes. That's probably what Cole was scowling about. It's not encouraging to see someone slacking off on the first day. At least you know who your first example will be.

"Sail ho!" You raise your eyes to the crow's nest as the lookout sounds the cry, pointing almost directly in front of the ship. Everyone stops what they're doing and looks to you.

Do you...

Hunger Key: Sated - Awake - Restless - Hungry - Very Hungry - Starving - Critical
Demon Restless
Location The Incubus: Main Deck
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