Incubus: Attempt to barter sexual favors from Ellis

From Create Your Own Story

"Owing money to a mage," you say, shaking your head. "Generally not a wise move."

"I had no choice, Captain Vrellis," Ellis says softly. You nod and stand, silent, waiting. People tend to fill awkward silences with things they don't really want to say, but he just sits and stares back at you, making you uncomfortable.

"I don't suppose you'd be interested in earning a little extra cash, then," you say finally, stepping away from your desk and taking a seat in the chair across from him. "I find myself in need of...intimate companionship--"

"Do I look like a whore?" he asks, his tone taking on an edge.

"Not at all," you say, shaking your head. "You simply stand out among the riff-raff, if you get my meaning. You're clean, attractive, well-spoken--one of the few I would even consider asking."

"I'm honored," Ellis says dryly. "Maybe you should proposition your second choice. I'm not interested." He stands and starts to walk away.

"Six coins," you say, and you see him hesitate, but he doesn't stop. "Each time." He reaches the door, but doesn't open it.

"And exactly how often do you expect me to bend over for you, Captain?" He sounds angry, probably at himself for being tempted by your offer.

"No more frequently than every other day," you tell him, "and only until we reach the Island of Caen and I can make other arrangements."

"Three times, then?" he says, calculating the figure faster than you had been able to.

"Aye," you say, rising from your chair and walking toward him, "assuming we have favorable winds and no delays." You stop a few feet behind him. "And I'm not expecting you to 'bend over' every time. I'm a reasonable man."

"Then you won't object to raising my payment to one ilae for the first three encounters, with an additional ilae for each subsequent encounter," Ellis says, turning to face you. "I also want to top every other time, starting with the first."

Do you...

Hunger Key: Sated - Awake - Restless - Hungry - Very Hungry - Starving - Critical
Demon Restless
Location The Incubus: Captain's Cabin
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