Impersonate Marty Jr

From Create Your Own Story

You change into 2015 clothes, power lacing shoes, an adjustable jacket and pants wore inside out. God, kids in 2015 look so stupid. Walking through the courthouse, you discover it has become a shopping mall complete with an artificial lake in the courtyard. Passing by a Holomax Theatre, you are shallowed whole by a shark. Fortunately, it just just a hologram,a advertising Jaws 19. Finally, you spot the 80s Cafe you are supposed to meet Griff in.

Entering the cafe, you are greeted by simulations of Michael Jackson and Ronald Reagan. You order a Pepsi Perfect and sit take a seat. You are called out by an Elderly Biff Tannen. He seems to think you're Marty Jr as he mentions you were named after a butthead. Your disguise is working.

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