Ilfang, Boss Battle Part 1 (Teaming up with Asuna) - SAO:LW

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Once the group made it inside the tower, and thus inside the Floor Labyrinth, it came as a surprise to you that the Floor Labyrinth easily got conquered already by the troops of the Assault Team. Annihilating the Ruin Kobold Sentinels yourself was almost to impossible, but seeing that the Assault Team managed to kill them gave you much more hope than you had before. After ten minutes, everyone has arrived at a big door. Ilfang is supposedly waiting in the room behind it. Diavel began his speech before entering the room.

Diavel: Alright everybody. I'm very certain that Ilfang the Kobold Lord will be hidden in this very chamber behind me. Everyone knows his or her strategy, and everyone has their tasks. With that out of the way, let's head in.

Diavel seems very serious about the current situation, and who would blame him. Lives are at stake here, and if any of those would get lost he'd probably feel very guilty. Asuna seems to shiver. She is probably afraid of losing her life. You are too, but you want to make sure Asuna will survive it for a 100 percent.

You: Don't worry Asuna. I'll protect you no matter what.

The more you keep assuring Asuna that she will be fine, the more confidence she gains.

Asuna: Thanks Raz. Let's have a helluva party after we slash the boss to bits.

With that said, Diavel opens the boss room and a big, shiny hall is revealed. The walls seem to have the color of rainbows, and inside seems to be more enough space for everyone to fight. At the end of the room, you can see the Kobold Lord himself sit on a throne. He is huge, fat and red. The beta-testers sure were right about his axe and the minions he summons.

Diavel: Alright. Group A, take care of the minions. Group B, distract the boss. Group C, protect group D and E from being attacked while they attack the boss!

In the morning, while discussing the strategy, it was decided that you were placed in group E together with Asuna, Kirito and Kibaou. However Kibaou didn't really do anything during the fight next to trying to sneak upon the big beast. This obviously didn't work well and he quickly got forced back into a corner by the Kobold Lord.

Kibaou: Ugh I'll have to take a break for a moment. You guys got it right??

When Kibaou got forced back, it was time for you, Asuna and Kirito to take action. However since Kirito did not get invited for Asuna's party, it wouldn't be a big benefit for him to support you two all the way. He doesn't earn the exp if you and Asuna manage to slay Ilfang, so instead he focuses on him solo.

What duo attack will you and Asuna perform?

Health 3600/3600 Equipment:

Anneal Blade

Col 2970
Level 20
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