Ilfang, Boss Battle / Phase 2 Attack 2 (Teaming up with Asuna) - SAO:LW

From Create Your Own Story

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Asuna had an idea for you: You slide under the Kobold Lord and you try to slash his bottom. In that meantime, Asuna would try to gain his attention together with group C. You agreed to her plan, and so you charge at the boss at full speed. Luckily, the boss was busy targeting both group C and D. He had no time or the arms necessary to deal with you as well. You slide under his bottom, and you manage to cut a part of his bottom open. This resulted in dealing some big damage! However, Ilfang quickly turned around and attempted to throw his sword at you. It didn't fully hit you luckily, although it managed to slice both of your legs. You are glad to losing limbs or bleeding is not possible in this game, otherwise you would have been dead for sure. Instead, you lost a lot of HP. It didn't surprise you to see that your HP bar turned orange, meaning that at least half of your HP depleted. Ilfang's focus quickly switched back to the other people. This results in you obtaining some time to heal yourself.

Asuna: RAZORE! Are you alright?!

The last thing you want is to let Asuna worry about your health. You sprinted back at her with your last two Health Potions remaining. This gave you 2000 HP back in total, meaning your HP was 1200 before.

You: Don't worry about me Asuna. I die hard!

She seems glad that you're okay. What you didn't notice, is that Ilfang's HP bar has depleted to only one bar left. The boss seems exhausted, and so does everyone else on the battlefield...

Health 3200/3600 Equipment:

Anneal Blade

Col 2970
Level 20
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