Ignore the Cave

From Create Your Own Story

You walk past the cave stepping over the moss and mushrooms.

soon after you pass the moss and mushrooms your paws get stuck in something gooey

You begin the sink!

"Help Help!" you cry

You struggle and wiggle

"Struggling will not help you, young wolf" says a mysterious voice

Your eyes search around the area, suddenly you catch a glance at a black wolf.

This black wolf left his hackles standing.

Your ears flatten. "Please help!"

The black wolf jumped down and grabbed on your scurf harshly.

Yanking you backwards you fling out of the nasty muddy ground.

"What are you doing in my territory!? Have you come to Spy! Well well, I've been waiting for this for years!" the black wolf growled

If you stay and defend yourself, this wolf might help you. And if you run, then maybe the wolf will not kill you. What do you do?

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