Hot and Horny/Chelsea arrive at Chads and find your youngest daughter gang-banged

From Create Your Own Story


You have been doing the laundry when the phone had rang. It had been Chad, one of your older daughters friends and your sons teammates, a nice young man. Somehow Miranda, your youngest, had apparently spend some time over at his house, probably playing with his sister, and now wanted to get home but was just too tired. Well, what else was there for you to do than to go over?

You put on a nice blouse and form hugging jeans, you are proud of your figure and for a good reason, and drive over. Sure, you could have just walked, it's not far, but if you have to carry her you might as well take the SUV. Stepping up to the door you notice that there are quite a few guys inside and as soon as Chad opens you can not help but notice that he is just wearing a pair of pants and nothing much else. Oh my, he sure does look good... even if he is still a boy.

"Hello Chad. I'm here to get Miranda. I trust she had fun while being here?", you say with a friendly smile. He grins and some of the guys in the background, it seems the whole football squad is here, laugh. Most likely a joke you have missed.

"Sure sure. Come, she is in the living room", Chad says and leads you into the house. It smells of sweat, booze and weed and suddenly you get a bad feeling and for a good reason, as you soon realize. Inside the living room, sitting on the couch between two completely naked young men, is your youngest daughter, Miranda. Her shirt is dirty and torn and covered in dried cum, her small jeans are dirty, her face is sweaty and filled with semen. Her hair is wet from bodily fluids, clinging to her face. And she is watching a hardcore porn movie, while seemingly unconsciously working the two young men's cocks.

You are:
Chelsea, age 36
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